ART whatever its type, is found in every culture, has been around for all ages, and is loved by people of all age groups.
I mean,
Imagine your life without music, artwork, or shows. It feels pretty dull, right?
Agree with it or not, art is an essential part of our lives.
I’ll tell you why.
We, as humans, are good at expressing ourselves, and we also surround ourselves with the expressions of people around us. And in this process, art helps us. It helps us learn and grow as people. Art lifts our spirits, inspires us, and educates us as well.
This is why art galleries, museums, and live concerts exist.
As I have been actively collaborating with art and artists, one thing that I have learned in this period of time is that art holds healing properties and has the power to transform lives.
This is what we’ll be talking about in today’s blog post. So, read the blog post to the end to learn how art can transform people.
Art Causes Us To Appreciate What We Have In Our Lives
Art has this ability to let you appreciate certain spaces and cause you to value and understand the worlds around you in all different circumstances. It causes you to show gratification for whatever you have in your life.
You feel content and happy. Art makes you look at the positive part. It heals you.
When I say ART has power, I mean the power to impact people’s lives. Art inspires us and reminds us of what’s really important in life; it gives us perspective.
You might have experienced it yourself as well.
This is why I always tell people to visit a museum or an art gallery whenever they have time.
I didn’t know if this is the case with you guys or not, but throughout my life, I didn’t know if I could paint or color. I’m not that skilled. But I also get fascinated by anyone who paints beautifully.
But ever since I got myself into the arts, this is what I have learned about how art continues to transform lives.
Every time I visit an art gallery or work on coloring books, I feel appreciated in my life, and I feel content.
Art Heals
There are tons of scientific studies done by universities and doctors all around the world about the healing power of art. It has been proven that those who are interested in art have better general health, have more energy, and are happier.
People who have incorporated any art activity into their lives tend to be less depressed or anxious.
Art creates a long-term change in our brains that helps an individual recover when things go wrong.
You can learn more about this power of art in our blog named- “The healing power of art”
Art Allows Us To Get Connected To Our Thoughts, Feelings, and Perceptions.

When we connect with art, it leads to a rise in emotions, opens the door to new experiences, gives us an in-depth understanding of our emotions, and self-awareness, and shines a light on life.
This self-awareness that we get through art is known to lead us to more success, be it personally or professionally.
I feel it is important for us to incorporate any form of art into our daily lives. Because when you invest in a work of art, you indirectly invest in the visual stories that you put on your table/wall.
There’s always a mission, a story, or an idea behind a painting.
Have you ever had a connection or an emotional connection to a work of art?
Have you ever experienced work and can’t explain the feeling it gave you?
If yes, you might be experiencing those feelings because you are connected to the artist’s voice and story.
I love visiting art galleries and collecting coloring books because I personally feel energetic and at peace for a moment in my life.
“Coloring with ArtbyO” is one such artistic book that I love coloring. It’s a book by Obray Cowan, and the artist has included his best artworks there.
You can get your hands on the book from Amazon or any other nearby store.